Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label Conscious Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conscious Living. Show all posts

Living Lightly Part 2

If you're still here... It must mean that the last newsletter did not scare you away. 

If you're new to this blog, please go back and read the most previous post. Click here.

Living Lightly is, simply, thinking Spiritually; all the time ~ about everything. It's finding the magic in every moment and living life with a constant sense of wonder and amazement. It's paying attention to all the synchronicities in your life and that they have special meanings for you. They could be guiding and directing you or answering a question you have been asking. Living Lightly is knowing that every coincidence is much more than that.

Living spiritually is being in-tune with yourself and with [your] life. It's living in the present with ease and grace. 
You are constantly being guided to what is best for you. You are connected to everyone and everything ~ at every moment. Your job is remember it. That's what these affirmations help you do. You'll keep yourself on your path by the by gently prompting yourself to focus on the messages that Spirit is bringing to you, finding magic and peace in everything that you're doing, and rooting your foundation in trust and in faith. You are a Powerful Creator Spirit. You are able to create the life you have been dreaming of, find your natural rhythm and flow, feel serene, confident and energized every moment of every day.

Click here to visit Amazon. You can read the

affirmations for free on KindleUnlimited or buy the book on Kindle for only $1.99. No Kindle, No Problem! Just download the Kindle Reading App from your App Store. Happy Affirming! 

Psychic Tip: It's about being in the present moment and enjoying it. There is immense security and peace in the stillness of Self, flowing with life and knowing that you have a destiny, a Divine Purpose. That you are always taken care of (even if you/we cannot see it in the moment) and that everything in your life is happening for a reason. 

Spiritual Help: If you haven't gotten the downloads recommended in the last newsletter, get them here. If you have them, be sure to listen to them/one of them everyday. If you can't commit to a daily routine, do them as consistently as possible and as often as possible. 

Seriously. The difference in your life will astound you.

If you ever feel overwhelmed, remind yourself, you are training yourself to live. Lifestyle changes last and they slowly and easily seem to just take over and before you know it, you're living the life that used to be a goal. It's a lovely, flowing process. I stress the downloads a lot because this is the part they they help with. They help you make the changes you want without any struggle or 'too' much effort. It shouldn't be so difficult that you quit, it should be so invigorating that you don't want to stop and so amazing and wonderful that you cannot imagine your life any other way. 

How you 'achieve' this way of thinking and state of being? It's simple, really. Focus on the connection you have with your Higher Self. Everyone's purpose is different. Everyone is learning different lessons. Everyone has inner thoughts that drive them, make decisions for them and everyone has reasons for doing what they are doing. You may understand why someone does what they do or their words and behavior can completely baffle you. 
Psychic Tip: Your job is to focus on your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The goal (eventually) is to be in alignment with your Higher Self. If you want to know something about someone or a situation, ask your Higher Self to bring you the answer. If you are unsure of how to handle a situation, ask your Higher Self what is the best course of action or the 'right' words to use.

Always, always ask your Higher Self. 

One of the necessities of a clear connection with your Higher Self is to get negative or heavy thoughts out of your head. You should also revamp your thinking. In order to live a Spiritual Life you must be aware of Spiritual thoughts and messages. If your mind is always else where, how can you be present and hear the messages that your Higher Self brings you? (Don't fret, there will be many, many entries on how to do this and plenty of exercises to keep you busy!)

Psychic Tip: A great way to get your 'head right' is to continually remind yourself to have light thoughts. Affirmations are a fabulous way to do it. You can write your own, make them on your computer or just write them on sticky notes and post them everywhere you go or places that you look all the time. You can even post them on things that you use. You'll have to 'see' them before you get your coffee in the morning, brush your teeth at night or before you can turn the radio on in your car on the way to work. 

Try these[free] Living Lightly Affirmation Images
Living Lightly Affirmation Images eBook
This [free] 34 page eBook is full of images and reminders to live your life lightly, listen to your Higher Self and trust in Spirit and walking your Golden Path. You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slideshow or print them and put them everywhere! You can use them all or just the ones you need at the time. Enjoy!

Click here to go to the store and download them now. 

Psychic Tip: A great habit to get into is to write down (or put it in your phone or tablet) when you have an Ah-Ha moment, a psychic 'hit' or a spiritual experience. You can be detailed or it can be just a few words to remind you of that moment. You do not have to be a huge journaler to have this work for your benefit. You're telling your subconscious mind that these 'things' are important to you, your subconscious mind, in turn, will bring you more. You'll begin to become more aware of the amazing things that are being brought into your life everyday. It will be easier to navigate from the everyday tasks to major life decisions because that [your] internal guidance system has been activated. Think of it like Spiritual/Psychic GPS. 

If you don't already have one... Get a Journal!

At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun! We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum

Contemplation Thought: What a wonderful life knowing that you are guided ~
every step of the way ~ in any circumstance ~ in every situation.

Living Lightly

Living your Life Lightly is being and staying in a state of peace, clarity and connection. It's focusing on your Light and the Light in others. 

 Let me clarify something: taking things lightly doesn't negate the seriousness of an issue or mean that you should not be sympathetic/empathetic to someone or towards a situation. 
Psychic Tip Taking things lightly is much deeper and profound than that. It's that moment of realization that everything is O.K.; that things happen for a reason (even if you/we don't understand it at the time); and that life goes on. It maybe different now, but it still keeps going. Taking things lightly is that internal... eternal knowing that each and every person is powerful beyond comprehension. That in every situation, they have guidance and protection. When you focus on that knowing~you are in a more peaceful and trusting place. Your mind is calmer and your first thoughts are not defensive or judgmental. And, if they are, you can train yourself out of that type of thinking. The world is not against anyone. There is a Divine flow... We can either flow with life or we can fight against it. The choice is ours, in each and every situation, with each and every interaction with everyone we come in contact with ~ everyday.

What does  Living Lightly do?
What are the benefits?

If you want to be calmer and happier~ live your life lightly.
If you want a clearer connection with Spirit~ live your life lightly.
If you want a better relationship with those around you~ live your life lightly.
If you want to understand your emotions~ live your life lightly.
If you want to know your body and what it needs~ live your life lightly.
If you want to develop your intuition~ live your life lightly.
If you want to ... you fill in the blank and ~ live your life lightly.

Questions to Ask Yourself: 

How can you life a satisfying, happy, healthy, loving life if everything is upsetting and heavy? How can you change and move forward if everything is awful or stressful?

How can you be comfortable if you're always feeling powerless, worrying about everyone and thinking about everything that can go wrong? 

Taking life lightly and seeing the positive, Spiritual aspects of your life is one of the kindest things that you can do for yourself. It's so much easier to enjoy life when it's not weighing you down. There's no doubt with using these affirmations regularly that you'll lighten up and radiate positivity from the inside out!

Click here to visit Amazon. You can read the affirmations for free on KindleUnlimited or buy the book on Kindle for only $1.99. No Kindle, No Problem! Just download the Kindle Reading App from your App Store. Happy Affirming! 

Psychic Tip:  If you're not quite sure what I'm talking about or think this is ludicrous, start somewhere else. Look online or go to the library and start looking into positive thinking stuff or you may find you're drawn to a certain school of thought or religion. You may find this path is not for you or that this is exactly what you've been searching for. It's all about choices and listening to yourself, your Higher Self and discovering your [own] power. 

If you are interested in focusing on Living your Life Lightly, I recommend these audio downloads: 

Hypnosis for Living Lightly programs you to take life lightly. It's about life being simple and easy. Living Lightly is being present - living in the present; it's that deep realization that everything happens for a reason. This hypnosis session focuses on living a light, joyful Spiritual life, listening to your intuition and getting answers from your Higher Self. Would you like to be lighter - in mind, body and emotions? All you have to do - is listen to your download. - See more here

The Living Lightly Meditation moves you into the state to be able to take life lightly. You focus on Living a Spiritual Life and creating your body, your today and your future the way you want it to be. You spend time with yourself and tune into your Higher Self. It is HIGHLY recommended that you also get the Hypnosis for Living Lightly download to accompany this meditation. Listening to them together...Truly a Golden Life. Would you like a bit more Light in your life? This download makes it simple and easy.- See more here

Spiritual Help: Oh... And, What makes these downloads different from other downloads everywhere else? They focus on your Light, making life is fun and easy. You have the ability to manifest anything that you can think of. These downloads give you the tools you need to bring your desires into fruition. What’s the catch? All of these downloads make you happy, make your life simpler and more enjoyable… the underlying message in every download you will buy [here]… You are a Creator Spirit and you have the power and ability to create what you want… in every aspect of your life. 

Psychic Tip: 
One of the kindest things you can do for yourself is to sooth yourself and eliminate worry and worse case scenario-over thinking. It's good to be prepared for the future or something that could go astray, but constant and consistent worry works you (mind and body) into a state of anxiety and stress. You maybe inadvertently tricking your body into thinking it's on high alert and that everything is an emergency; from missing a phone call to being 5 minutes late. 

Psychic Mind Tip: If you are a worrier, try this download. It will help change your thinking and feel comfortable being relaxed and thinking positively. 

Stop Worrying! Use this download anytime you're worried about anything. This stops the repetitive, negative thoughts from making you crazy and giving yourself anxiety. You'll come up with solutions and get on with your life. It's great for worse case scenario thinking. -See more here. If you have anxiety, seek out professional help, practice breathing and calming techniques. It is something that does not have to debilitate you. You can use this download: Eliminating Anxiety It's about learning how to manage yourself and get rid of the things that cause you to be anxious. You'll learn how to take it lightly and 'function' in any situation. This download is for someone that has ANXIETY. You know who you are. You also know that no one else knows what you're talking about or how anxious you really are. If this describes you... this download can change your life. If you have anxiety or stress over 'just certain' things, you may want to look for a download about that specifically. It's up to you. This download is made for someone who has ANXIETY and looks calm and still while they are screaming their heads off inside :) Oh... this works for panic attacks, too. It is different than hypnosis or meditations you'll find here... this is more of something you'd get 'in the office' ... If you have ever 'really' had anxiety, you know how the world feels like it is crashing- or already has... this download helps you pick up the pieces, get your feelings under control and gives you the wonderful feeling of hiding under the couch without having to actually do it. Yep, it's awesome. You need to get a journal and start keeping track of the debilitating feelings and thoughts. This works ~you're just going to have to make yourself do it. ;) - See more here.

Psychic Tip: Do everything you can to remind yourself to Live Lightly. The more you practice the better you'll get! 

Would you like a regular (monthly) reminder?
 Sign up for our Newsletter. The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that; it reminds us to live in a light state of mind, to enjoy our lives and take things lightly. You'll get a new newsletter every 27 days and on some holidays. We want you to take your time and enjoy reading the articles and doing the exercises. Click Here to Join our Monthly Newsletter.

Living Lightly Newsletter


Any change you create takes time, consistency and persistence to make those changes turn into habits or more accurately to have them be automatic in your life. Whether you're changing you body shape or have decided to have a more positive outlook on life you'll still need to train yourself into a new way of being. 

Everyone has things about themselves or their lives that they would like to change, enhance or increase and everyone is at a different stage of their process. 

That is what Living Lightly Newsletter was created for. Whatever your phase of life, where ever you live, your income, education, age, gender ... there's something in the newsletters that will fit you. They are created for you to work at your own speed and pace. 

Do the exercises that you're comfortable with, read the articles that you like and download and use the meditations and affirmations that fit who you are now and that move you into who you want to be. 
Save them. 
The newsletters are all different. Many of them take upwards of 10-12 hours to make. Yes, they are all done by hand and are all original work (©Jennifer McVey, SpiritualAnswersAndSolutions.com). 
Sometimes it may look like they are repeating (Affirmation Images eBooks is one) but they are being sent out again so that you can peruse the new free affirmation image eBooks that have been uploaded to the various stores. If you get a newsletter that looks like a repeat, check all of the links~there's new stuff! And, by the way, that will only happen every couple of years. 

The newsletter includes affirmations, metaphysical stories, manifesting tips and hints, exercises, articles, recommended reading and movies, information on living a healthy, holistic life and we even give you homework (you won't be graded, of course!) to keep your thoughts higher and your mind in a positive, Light state - all of the time. 

You will also receive a free [meditation] downloads with your subscription every Customer Appreciation Day 8-8 and in the Holiday and The Specials Newsletter! It averages about 10-12 downloads a year. (You'll get a coupon code to enter at check-out. Please remember your email and password. It's a great site that stores all of your download and eBook purchases for you.)

Living Lightly Newsletter also includes discounts, coupons, information and updates on new downloads, classes and seminars and links to various places throughout the websites Spiritual Answers and Solutions .comChanges Made Easy .com, the Changes Made Easy Blog,  and Diary Entries of a Psychic .com (this blog for specific entries). 


You haven't missed anything! We have an archive of past Specials and Holidays and you'll start at the very beginning. They are eClasses so you will begin at the the very first one. Happy Reading! 

Remember...The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that... to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly. Living Lightly Newsletter Archive/Blog: Living Lightly Newsletter Specials and the free monthly newsletter subscription is made to brighten your day... to prompt those enlightened moments. The blog and the forum (Coming Soon!) is a great way to get to know like-minded people and light, healthy interaction with people from all over the world. If you have any questions, please comment on our blog.

And, Remember... You are the one that decides what type of day you are going to have. This day was made by you- for you. You can make today the best day you have ever had. Positive thinking goes a long way and a little bit of magick makes every day brighter. 

If you're ready to embark on this inner journey... Click Here

Whatever you habitually think yourself to be, that you are. You must form, now, a greater and better habit; you must form a conception of yourself as a being of limitless power, and habitually think that you are that being. It is the habitual, not the periodical thought that decides your destiny.

~ Wallace D. Wattles

Living Lightly Newsletter

Any change you create takes time, consistency and persistence to make those changes turn into habits or more accurately to have them be automatic in your life. Whether you're changing you body shape or have decided to have a more positive outlook on life you'll still need to train yourself into a new way of being. 

Everyone has things about themselves or their lives that they would like to change, enhance or increase and everyone is at a different stage of their process. 

That is what Living Lightly Newsletter was created for. Whatever your phase of life, where ever you live, your income, education, age, gender ... there's something in the newsletters that will fit you. They are created for you to work at your own speed and pace. 

Do the exercises that you're comfortable with, read the articles that you like and download and use the meditations and affirmations that fit who you are now and that move you into who you want to be. 
Save them. 
The newsletters are all different. Many of them take upwards of 10-12 hours to make. Yes, they are all done by hand and are all original work (©Jennifer McVey, SpiritualAnswersAndSolutions.com). 
Sometimes it may look like they are repeating (Affirmation Images eBooks is one) but they are being sent out again so that you can peruse the new free affirmation image eBooks that have been uploaded to the various stores. If you get a newsletter that looks like a repeat, check all of the links~there's new stuff! And, by the way, that will only happen every couple of years. 

The newsletter includes affirmations, metaphysical stories, manifesting tips and hints, exercises, articles, recommended reading and movies, information on living a healthy, holistic life and we even give you homework (you won't be graded, of course!) to keep your thoughts higher and your mind in a positive, Light state - all of the time. 

You will also receive a free [meditation] downloads with your subscription every Customer Appreciation Day 8-8 and in the Holiday and The Specials Newsletter! It averages about 10-12 downloads a year. (You'll get a coupon code to enter at check-out. Please remember your email and password. It's a great site that stores all of your download and eBook purchases for you.)

Living Lightly Newsletter also includes discounts, coupons, information and updates on new downloads, classes and seminars and links to various places throughout the websites Spiritual Answers and Solutions .comChanges Made Easy .com, the Changes Made Easy Blog,  and Diary Entries of a Psychic .com (this blog for specific entries). 


You haven't missed anything! We have an archive of past Specials and Holidays and you'll start at the very beginning. They are eClasses so you will begin at the the very first one. Happy Reading! 

Remember...The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that... to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly. Living Lightly Newsletter Archive/Blog: Living Lightly Newsletter Specials and the free monthly newsletter subscription is made to brighten your day... to prompt those enlightened moments. The blog and the forum (Coming Soon!) is a great way to get to know like-minded people and light, healthy interaction with people from all over the world. If you have any questions, please comment on our blog.

And, Remember... You are the one that decides what type of day you are going to have. This day was made by you- for you. You can make today the best day you have ever had. Positive thinking goes a long way and a little bit of magick makes every day brighter. 

If you're ready to embark on this inner journey... Click Here

Whatever you habitually think yourself to be, that you are. You must form, now, a greater and better habit; you must form a conception of yourself as a being of limitless power, and habitually think that you are that being. It is the habitual, not the periodical thought that decides your destiny.

~ Wallace D. Wattles

An Attitude of Gratitude

A Month of Gratitude
Have you been doing your daily 'What I'm Thankful For' this month?  If you have, you're ahead of this exercise! If you haven't, no worries. You can start today! You may want to get some scratch paper to jot your list down on. Be sure it's big enough for everything or have a couple of sheets available. You'll be listing 30 different 'things' you're grateful for. (There's 30 days in November.) Try to get a variety of things that you're grateful for in your life. You're going to want to cover: Mental, Emotional, Physical (your body), Spiritual, Material (things), and Financial (money stuff) for yourself and then, of course, all the people and animals in your life... You could add Social, Recreational, Your Work and/or School and anything else you can think of. You could even start a separate list of categories of things you're going to write about being thankful for. (The organizing is completely up to you, these are just ideas. think 'balanced' when you're doing this and you should be able to cover all aspects and areas of your life pretty easily.)  Contemplate what you're writing down. This isn't meant to be done in five minutes. This is a contemplative exercise that you're going to want to put some time and effort into. (Hence the scratch paper, you'll be making a Gratitude Journal and there's a link for free Gratitude Journal pages for you to print out.) After you have the wording that you want, transcribe your list into your Gratitude Journal. Be sure to date it! 
Take your time with this. Remember, this is usually an exercise that you do for the entire month! Enjoy this exercise. You're looking over and reviewing your life. That in itself is something you could put down... That you have the time, the space, the will and the ability to do this exercise.

Here's a Simple & Fun Holiday Idea:
This year send out Gratitude cards! You can use them with or instead of Holiday Cards or/and add a 'Thank You' and/or a 'Why I appreciate You' in your cards that you send out this year. You can also add it to your emails and/or gifts. 
Being grateful is a wonderful habit to get into! You'll be surprised how compliments and feelings of appreciation begin to to pour out of you once you begin to focus on everything you love in your life. you'll naturally become more positive and secure; those are some of the side effects of focusing on what you already have instead of what you want. And, what a fabulous way to start... telling everyone in your life how much you appreciate them! Holiday cards are a great way to communicate your adoration; you're sending them out anyway! If you're not doing cards or gifts... You can always call them! If you're not used to expressing yourself in this way, make a little list or notes to yourself before you talk to them. If you're uncomfortable, rehearse it. You can practice in your mind, with another person or by looking in the mirror or saying it out loud. Oh, and smile when you're doing it. Really. Practice talking with a smile. It will make a difference! If you're a social media person, find pictures, quotes (or think up your own!) that talk about gratitude and how thankful you are. You may be surprised by how many people respond to your positive postings, tweets, statuses and pins! Spread the Joy! 
Craft Time!
Make a Thank You Journal with a Gratitude Collage Cover! How fun! There's so many ways that you could do this. 
The Inside:You can decorate a notebook, get a journal and decorate the cover, you can make the cover and print the pages from the Free Gratitude Journal for Kids and insert them into a three ring binder or go to a store and have the book bound for you. (If you use the print outs, there are two different sizes of printed paper, download the examples to see which will fit the journal you're making for yourself the best. Click here to get the journal pages now.)
You have so many options. Pick one that fits you and you like... Be sure it's something that you are going to like using and writing in regularly. Be conscious of the size, shape and binding. you want to make this as convenient for yourself as possible. 
The Cover~you can draw, paint or write on it. You can decorate it anyway that you like. You can cut out pictures and glue or tape them on. You can seal it with glue, laminate it, use spray so that it doesn't smear. It's completely up to you how you'd like to protect it. Practice first. If it's pictures you're using, line them up before you stick them on permanently. If you're drawing or painting, do some rough drafts. And there's everything you can do on the computer! You could even make a collage online and print it out. 
This is a gratitude collage. It's things, people and moments that you have or have already had. This isn't a create what you want exercise, it's an I appreciate my life, as it is, right now exercise. 
The Substance: Here's the content section. You may want to set some goals about how often you're going to use your journal; the only thing you really should do is date the entries, other than that, it's anything thing goes and anyway you want to do it! This is your journal about what you appreciate in your life. The entries should reflect what you are grateful for. (Try to keep everyone else's voices out of your head while you're journaling, writing and crafting. Tune into you and where and why you feel grateful, blessed, loved, that deep sense of appreciation.) Need ideas about your entries? You can add your exercise of A Month of Gratitude. you can write about wonderful moments in time that you are thankful for. You can put in your accomplishments and challenges you have overcome. You can write about how lovely the weather is and how blessed you are to be alive. You can even meditate on gratitude and write about your experiences. you may find that each and every meditation is different!
What Now? You enjoy it! And, you did it! Congratulations! That's it. It's that simple and easy! You can vary this anyway you like. You could turn this into a family project night, do it with your partner or by yourself. You can change it up, fill it up and make a new one in a week or next year. If you set the same time each day or each week to write in your journal you'll find that contemplating and focusing on what you appreciate in your life will quickly become a habit; you're welcoming in and training yourself to have an attitude of gratitude. 

Gratitude isn't just about accepting, receiving or acknowledging and appreciating what you have, it's also about Giving. When you are centered in deep appreciation for yourself, your life and those around you, it opens you to have the inner space to be able to give back, contribute to society and help those around you. What's your contribution to the world? How can you be of service? How can you spread more love and joy? This would be a great meditation and a good journal entry, even if you made a list of ideas or goals that you'd like to do. How could you spread this feeling (gratitude) to others?

Free Gratitude Journals for the Whole Family to Enjoy!

Free (downloadable) Gratitude Journals!  These are great for the whole family! You can print the entire journal or just the pages that you'd like to use for the sitting/exercise. There's two different journals to choose from ~ download the example pages to decide which journal will fit your exercise the best. The lay outs are the same but the numbers of lines on the pages are different in each journal. Each journal comes with 5 sets of  one picture page and two lined pages. Click here to see them now

Visit our Online Store Today! 

Living your Life Lightly ~ Part 2

If you're still here... It must mean that the last newsletter did not scare you away. 
If you're new to this blog, please go back and read the most previous post. Click here. 

Living Lightly is, simply, thinking Spiritually; all the time ~ about everything. It's finding the magic in every moment and living life with a constant sense of wonder and amazement. It's paying attention to all the synchronicities in your life and that they have special meanings for you. They could be guiding and directing you or answering a question you have been asking. Living Lightly is knowing that every coincidence is much more than that.

It's about being in the present moment and enjoying it. There is immense security and peace in the stillness of Self, flowing with life and knowing that you have a destiny, a Divine Purpose. That you are always taken care of (even if you/we cannot see it in the moment) and that everything in your life is happening for a reason. 
If you haven't gotten the downloads recommended in the last newsletter, get them here. If you have them, be sure to listen to them/one of them everyday. If you can't commit to a daily routine, do them as consistently as possible and as often as possible. 
Seriously. The difference in your life will astound you.

If you ever feel overwhelmed, remind yourself, you are training yourself to live. Lifestyle changes last and they slowly and easily seem to just take over and before you know it, you're living the life that used to be a goal. It's a lovely, flowing process. I stress the downloads a lot because this is the part they they help with. They help you make the changes you want without any struggle or 'too' much effort. It shouldn't be so difficult that you quit, it should be so invigorating that you don't want to stop and so amazing and wonderful that you cannot imagine your life any other way. 

How you 'achieve' this way of  thinking and state of being? It's simple, really. Focus on the connection you have with your Higher Self. Everyone's purpose is different. Everyone is learning different lessons. Everyone has inner thoughts that drive them, make decisions for them and everyone has reasons for doing what they are doing. You may understand why someone does what they do or their words and behavior can completely baffle you.  Your job is to focus on your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The goal (eventually) is to be in alignment with your Higher Self. If you want to know something about someone or a situation, ask your Higher Self to bring you the answer. If you are unsure of how to handle a situation, ask your Higher Self what is the best course of action or the 'right' words to use.
 Always, always ask your Higher Self. 

One of the necessities of a clear connection with your Higher Self is to get negative or heavy thoughts out of your head.  You should also revamp your thinking. In order to live a Spiritual Life you must be aware of Spiritual thoughts and messages. If your mind is always else where, how can you be present and hear the messages that your Higher Self brings you? (Don't fret, there will be many, many entries on how to do this and plenty of exercises to keep you busy!)

A great way to get your 'head right' is to continually remind yourself to have light thoughts. Affirmations are a fabulous way to do it. You can write your own, make them on your  computer or just write them on sticky notes and post them everywhere you go or places that you look all the time. You can even post them on things that you use. You'll have to 'see' them before you get your coffee in the morning, brush your teeth at night or before you can turn the radio on in your car on the way to work.  

[free] Living Lightly Affirmation Images eBook 
This [free] 34 page eBook is full of images and reminders to live your life lightly, listen to your Higher Self and trust in Spirit and walking your Golden Path. You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slideshow or print them and put them everywhere! You can use them all or just the ones you need at the time. Enjoy!
Click here to go to the store and download them now.

Living Lightly Affirmation Images eBook

 A great habit to get into is to write down (or put it in your phone or tablet) when you have an Ah-Ha moment, a psychic 'hit' or a spiritual experience. You can be detailed or it can be just a few words to remind you of that moment. You do not have to be a huge journaler to have this work for your benefit. You're telling your subconscious mind that these 'things' are important to you, your subconscious mind, in turn, will bring you more. You'll begin to become more aware of the amazing things that are being brought into your life everyday. It will be easier to navigate from the everyday tasks to major life decisions because that [your] internal guidance system has been activated. Think of it like Spiritual/Psychic GPS. 

What a wonderful life knowing that you are guided ~ 
every step of the way ~ in any circumstance ~ in every situation. 

Living your Life Lightly

Living your Life Lightly is being and staying in a state of peace, clarity and connection. It's focusing on your Light and the Light in others.  

Let me clarify something: taking things lightly doesn't negate the seriousness of an issue or mean that you should not be sympathetic/empathetic to someone or towards a situation. Taking things lightly is much deeper and profound than that. It's that moment of realization that everything is O.K.; that things happen for a reason (even if you/we don't understand it at the time); and that life goes on. It maybe different now, but it still keeps going. Taking things lightly is that internal... eternal knowing that each and every person is powerful beyond comprehension. That in every situation, they have guidance and protection. When you focus on that knowing~you are in a more peaceful and trusting place. Your mind is calmer and your first thoughts are not defensive or judgmental. And, if they are, you can train yourself out of that type of thinking. The world is not against anyone. There is a Divine flow... We can either flow with life or we can fight against it. The choice is ours, in each and every situation, with each and every interaction with everyone we come in contact with ~ everyday.

If you want to be calmer and happier~ live your life lightly.
If you want a clearer connection with Spirit~ live your life lightly.
If you want a better relationship with those around you~ live your life lightly.
If you want to understand your emotions~ live your life lightly.
If you want to know your body and what it needs~ live your life lightly.
If you want to develop your intuition~ live your life lightly.
If you want to ... you fill in the blank and ~ live your life lightly.

How can you life a satisfying, happy, healthy, loving life if everything is upsetting and heavy? How can you change and move forward if everything is awful or stressful?
How can you be comfortable if you're always feeling powerless, worrying about everyone and thinking about everything that can go wrong? 

If you're not quite sure what I'm talking about or think this is ludicrous, start somewhere else. Look online or go to the library and start looking into positive thinking stuff or you may find you're drawn to a certain school of thought or religion. You may find this path is not for you or that this is exactly what you've been searching for. It's all about choices and listening to yourself, your Higher Self and discovering your [own] power. 

If you are interested in focusing on Living your Life Lightly, I recommend these downloads: 

Hypnosis for Living Lightly programs you to take life lightly. It's about life being simple and easy. Living Lightly is being present - living in the present; it's that deep realization that everything happens for a reason. This hypnosis session focuses on living a light, joyful Spiritual life, listening to your intuition and getting answers from your Higher Self. Would you like to be lighter - in mind, body and emotions? All you have to do - is listen to your download. - See more here

The Living Lightly Meditation moves you into the state to be able to take life lightly. You focus on Living a Spiritual Life and creating your body, your today and your future the way you want it to be. You spend time with yourself and tune into your Higher Self. It is HIGHLY recommended that you also get the Hypnosis for Living Lightly download to accompany this meditation. Listening to them together...Truly a Golden Life. Would you like a bit more Light in your life? This download makes it simple and easy.- See more here

 Oh... And, What makes these downloads different from other downloads everywhere else? They focus on your Light, making life is fun and easy. You have the ability to manifest anything that you can think of. These downloads give you the tools you need to bring your desires into fruition. What’s the catch? All of these downloads make you happy, make your life simpler and more enjoyable… the underlying message in every download you will buy [here]… You are a Creator Spirit and you have the power and ability to create what you want… in every aspect of your life. 

One of the kindest things you can do for yourself is to sooth yourself and eliminate worry and worse case scenario-over thinking. It's good to be prepared for the future or something that could go astray, but constant and consistent worry works you (mind and body) into a state of anxiety and stress. You maybe inadvertently tricking your body into thinking it's on high alert and that everything is an emergency; from missing a phone call to being 5 minutes late. 
If you are a worrier, try this download. It will help change your thinking and feel comfortable being relaxed and thinking positively. 

Stop Worrying! Use this download anytime you're worried about anything. This stops the repetitive, negative thoughts from making you crazy and giving yourself anxiety. You'll come up with solutions and get on with your life. It's great for worse case scenario thinking. -See more here.  If you have anxiety, seek out professional help, practice breathing and calming techniques. It is something that does not have to debilitate you. You can use this download: Eliminating Anxiety  It's about learning how to manage yourself and get rid of the things that cause you to be anxious. You'll learn how to take it lightly and 'function' in any situation. This download is for someone that has ANXIETY. You know who you are. You also know that no one else knows what you're talking about or how anxious you really are. If this describes you... this download can change your life. If you have anxiety or stress over 'just certain' things, you may want to look for a download about that specifically. It's up to you. This download is made for someone who has ANXIETY and looks calm and still while they are screaming their heads off inside :) Oh... this works for panic attacks, too. It is different than hypnosis or meditations you'll find here... this is more of something you'd get 'in the office' ... If you have ever 'really' had anxiety, you know how the world feels like it is crashing- or already has... this download helps you pick up the pieces, get your feelings under control and gives you the wonderful feeling of hiding under the couch without having to actually do it. Yep, it's awesome. You need to get a journal and start keeping track of the debilitating feelings and thoughts. This works ~you're just going to have to make yourself do it. ;) - See more here.

Would you like a regular (monthly) reminder? Sign up for our Newsletter. The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that; it reminds us to live in a light state of mind, to enjoy our lives and take things lightly.  You'll get a new newsletter every 27 days and on some holidays. We want you to take your time and enjoy reading the articles and doing the exercises. Click Here to Join our Monthly Newsletter. 
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